M. Kogălniceau 67

Misiunea Facultății

Facultatea de Drept

The educational mission of the Faculty of Law is as follows:

  1. the initial training of highly qualified specialists, based on in-depth knowledge not only in theory, but also in practice;
  2. the acquisition, within a limited time period, of the practical skills and capacities required by the students for their professionalization;
  3. establishment of safe premises for successful socio-professional integration within the legal framework of the Republic of Moldova.

The MSU Faculty of Law has been and continues to be an elite one in all areas: training – education, science, research. The Faculty of Law of USM has been and remains an elite one in all chapters: Training – education, science, research. Being ranked first in terms of the training of high-qualified legal frameworks and the development of legal science, it has become an ever-burning torch of legal culture, from which reformatory ideas for the building of the rule of law and a democratic society start, aiming at achieving supreme justice, protection of human dignity through its free development.

Holding the title of prestigious educational institution of the country, the Faculty of Law currently poses itself as a university center of tradition, with a team of professional teachers, scientific staff and students, all of whom being united by the same purpose – to contribute to the legal field reform, to the enthronement of justice, democracy, and to ensure the law supremacy.

Upon the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the Bologna process, the university studies take place in three cycles: I – Bachelor, II – Master and III – Doctorate. Every year, over 200 highly qualified teachers are involved with maximum responsibility in the process of training and education at the faculty, aiming to train specialists in all areas of law that are studied at these stages.

Most of the Law Faculty professors have undergone internships in the Western Europe and USA’s prestigious universities, and a large part of them have done their master’s or doctoral studies in academic institutions from Romania, Russian Federation, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, successfully defending their theses. Every year, the halls of the Faculty of Law host the courses of European and worldwide renowned professors.

Since 1993, a specialized scientific Council in awarding scientific degrees of Doctor Habil. of Law and Doctor of Law activates within the MSU Law Faculty – the first of its kind in the Republic of Moldova.

The Faculty embodies English and Francophone branches, where both French-speaking and English-speaking students are able to study, thus ensuring an appropriate linguistic outfit which is suitable for the accession process of the Republic of Moldova to the European family.

The quality of studies at the Faculty of Law is assured through appropriate teaching and literature, which students can consult in the four reading rooms of the MSU library.